Lara Capuano

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Day 10: Random Snacks of Kindness

About two years ago, my husband and I made the difficult decision to open up about a private struggle that had our family in a state of crisis. We opened ourselves up to a bit of scrutiny in order to get our family the help we needed, and to be a resource to other families who often struggle privately. We shared our story in this video: 

Our lives changed significantly after we began actively seeking treatment for our son. It has been an all-consuming journey toward helping our family heal and is likely going to be a life-long process is many ways.

I can not adequately express the exhaustion and sense of discouragement that so many parents experience while parenting a child with special needs. And that is why Day 10 of #AdamsActs is so near and dear to my heart.

For the rest of October, I will be taking donations on behalf of David's Refuge which is an incredible organization with which I am looking forward to becoming more involved. Their mission is to provide a place of respite (free of charge) for parents and guardians of children with special needs or life threatening medical conditions. They seek to provide a weekend experience where they will be refreshed, restored, and renewed in their role as caregivers. 

David’s Refuge has one primary objective, to allow parents and other caregivers much needed time to rest, reflect and recharge from the stress of full time care giving. They strive to have caregivers come away from this time of respite understanding three things: that they are not alone, what they do matters, and there is a God who loves them.

David's Refuge provides weekend getaways to parents who need their hope to be restored. Parents of children with special needs often walk a long, lonely and tumultuous road, and I know from personal experience how isolating it can be. Which is why I am so excited to invite you to bring candy to my house. 

I swear, it's not just for me! 

Part of the weekend away at a B&B for these couples, is that they are provided with a little basket of goodies. Parents can choose between a sweet basket, a savory one, or both. (I'd vote both because why do I gotta be choosing between snacks? I want all of it.)   For the remainder of October, I will have a donation bin on my front porch to collect basket items for these weary care givers.


Here are some specific donation requests for their gift baskets:

  • Small bags of chips or popcorn (snack size)
  • Beef Jerky
  • Crackers
  • Trail mix
  • Gummy Bears
  • M&M's
  • Chocolate Bars
  • Wine
  • Granola
  • Gum

I got the donation party started with this lonely, pathetic chocolate bar. But, at least there is that little piece of pasta on my floor for the whole world to see. #housekeepingfail #always

So, here's how it's gonna go down... if you know where I live, drop things off any time. If you live in the Rochester, NY area (and are not a creepy pervert) contact me through Facebook message, or through the contact section of this bangin' new website. If you do not live in Rochester, but would like to contribute, you can also contact me for my mailing address to mail donations to me. (Remember though, pervs need not apply.) If all of that sounds like too much trouble, or you are a little bit of a creep so are not eligible for this particular challenge) you can donate directly to

Caring for the people we love is really hard, even when they are healthy. But caring for a child that is medically fragile, or has a set of needs that is so unique that they require specialized care... this is a different kind of hard. It's so good. It's so right. But, it is also really, really hard. This little donation bin isn't going to make their lives any easier. I am aware of that. But, what I hope to do is help one organization who is trying to lighten the load for these families... even if it is just for a weekend. And a weekend of hope and respite makes life just a little bit sweeter.

Or more savory. Or both.