Day #5: Vulnerability Begets Vulnerability

The first photo is how I went in to my first speaking event, and the second photo is how I walked into my last. It’s an accurate depiction of how both my hair and my behavior devolves throughout the day. 😂😂I haven’t ever been accused of having the strongest filter in the world… but yesterday was no filter at all. I don’t know if I can count that as a kindness, per se, but I believe that vulnerability begets vulnerability. For Day #5 I poured myself out with total transparency. This is always fairly horrifying but I was met, as always, with sweet moments of connection afterwards.

Mothers who said they resonated with my message of radical love and acceptance, of nurturing the kids we actually have - instead of trying to force them into people they are not. A beautiful transracial adoptee who connected with my passion and commitment to open adoption and the grief of adoption loss. And my favorite comment of the night “I hear Christian speakers that are good, but they set the bar for women so high… but you…. well…”

We all laughed and I made a joke about how I set the bar alllll the way down.

Then she said, “No, you set the bar where we’re at.” 😭😭

The time I spent praying for these women, trying to encourage them, and setting the bar at a place that makes women radically love and accept, not only their children, but also THEMSELVES… that is the spirit of kindness and generosity I wish I’d had when I was a young, scared, unmarried college student holding that positive pregnancy test for the first time. I think it would make Adam proud. #adamsacts